What happens when you are late to your own livestream? Turns out, not much. I did apologize however.

We talked about a bunch of stuff. The start of the show was about the economics of housing possibly forcing people to make social decisions that they otherwise shouldn’t have to. For example, living with a roommate later, multi-generational housing, etc.

Apple is now in the small, short term loan market? Why? How does this fit with their current offerings? Well, what would you do with the billions of cash on hand that Apple has?

Do real estate agents and PPP loans mix? I didn’t think so, so I didn’t get one. Never felt comfortable about it. Others got caught up in it. We profile an agent who is alleged to have fraudulently received more than 350k in PPP funds.

We read some tweets…is the U.S. dollar losing it’s status as the world’s reserve currency? Some say absolutely. Others say it is hyperbole for clicks.

We looked at a thread on the demise of California, particularly the real estate market, and then we looked at some information that seems to indicate that we are about to see a massive amount of apartment units coming online that should cause rents to lower.

Finally, we discussed three real estate related articles. Do you know what a “twin home” is? I had no idea, thought it was just a duplex. Should you delay your home purchase? Apparently, maybe. Finally what age group is doing all the buying and selling of real estate? Boomers. It’s not even close.

Thanks for watching! Like, Share, Subscribe 😊


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Mortgage Rates came in at 6.61 percent on a 30 year fixed today.

Affordability and social norms…my kid wants to live in a van so she can see the country…but is that because she doesn’t think she will ever be able to afford a home?

Peter Thiel Quote on pessimism

Apple is now in the layaway business….great.

Real Estate Agent PPP Fraud? Why, Never!

On the Twitter

Genevieve Roch-Decter, CFA

Markets & Mayhem

Unusual Whales

Jeff Weniger

Nick Gerli

The Broke Agent

Real Estate News and Commentary

A “Twin Home”

Another spin on “delaying” your home purchase

Who is “winning”the housing game?

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