Here’s What You Don’t Know About Homebuyer Turnoffs…152

Deerwood Realty and Friends Podcast

What do you think the biggest turn offs are for would be home buyers during a private showing?…even in a hot market?  My list might surprise you.

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Smells  There is nothing worse than going to a showing, excited to see a potential winner and then unlocking the door and being hit with a smell that instantly makes you gag and want to vomit.  I don’t know what people are doing in their house, and when it smells that bad, I don’t want to be the buyer.  Sadly, I know some of the smells the minute I catch a whiff.  The litter box, dog sneaky pee in the carpets, wet dog, and musty basement are all things I’ve gotten kind of used to….but my buyers haven’t.  Instant turn off.

Carpet in the bathroom  I honestly don’t know who thought this was a good idea.  I have enough trouble with buyers and carpet now…but carpet in the bathroom?  What a terrible idea.  Maybe the worst ever.  Listing a home, would you be better off ripping out the carpet in the bathroom and leaving just the subfloor?  Yes!  It’s that bad

Stains…on the walls, on the floors, on the ceilings…all.  I was at a house two weeks ago.  My buyers and I were on the deck.  When I turned around to go back in the house, there was what looked to be blood stains all over the door to get inside.  Aside from wondering if someone had been murdered, I didn’t want to touch the door…and I know my buyers were grossed out by it too.  Stains on walls, stains on floors….I mean, wipe it down or at least paint over them….big turn off.

Low Clearance Basements  There’s not a whole lot you can do about a low clearance basement. After all, it’s been there for as long as the house has been around.  Still, It’s quite odd to be going to the basement and then realizing that you can’t stand up straight and the heating ducts could cut you….I’m sure that some buyers have an advantage here because 6 footers aren’t going to be thrilled with a basement that is 5 ft high. 

Food Or Crumbs On The Kitchen Countertops  Agents compound this problem by putting the sign in sheet or marketing materials on the same countertops that are full of leftovers, crumbs or the worst, greasy countertops.  Why make me touch that?  I’m not going to do it.  If buyers see that you can’t take care of the kitchen, what else can’t you take care of?

Bright Colored Walls  I get it, you want to be positive and upbeat.  But painting your kitchen canary yellow is just a turn off for buyers.  It’s weird, because the buyers can and probably will paint everything to a color palette that matches theirs when they move in, but they still want you to make an effort in making the home presentable.  Oddly enough, there are colors I see other than yellow that irritate me…there’s this one color…I’m going to try to put it on the screen or something…I see it all the time….and I hate it.  If you are thinking of listing your house with me and you are upset that your house has this color as the primary color….it’s fine.  We probably wouldn’t have gotten along anyway.

Hard to show  Look I get it…you are busy.  Maybe you are taking care of kids, maybe you have a job…it’s fine.  My buyers are busy too.  They are looking for a new home, and they might even pick yours.  However, you’ve set a 2 hour window in the middle of a weekday as the only time we can see your house….that’s just a turn off.  IF we can’t even get a time to go see your house…you’re signaling that you are going to be a pain in the behind to work with should we get the house under contract….and no one needs that in their life.

Shrines…of any type   You may like cats…you may like dogs….you may like other things….and that’s totally cool.  When you devote a corner of your house to some sort of shrine…it’s weird.  Especially when you know you are selling your house.  Like, I get it…but at the same time, it’s just strange to walk into a house and see a shrine.  Any type.  Before listing your home, take your shrine…and carefully place it in boxes.  Then get it out of the house for showings.

Temperature … I don’t know where you live.  If you are in the Midwest, we usually have four distinct seasons.  If you mess with the temperature of your house, it’s a turn off during a showing.  Let me give you an example.  In the summer, it’s 98 degrees outside and you set your thermostat to 80 because you aren’t there.  Turn off….That house thermostat should be at 75 degrees max.  Why even bother to have air conditioning if you aren’t going to use it?  Second example…20 degrees outside.  Thermostat is 80. Look, I just came from outside and now I’m being melted by heat..combine that with carpet, smells, and a shrine, and I’m not putting in an offer.  My buyers are going to just turn around and walk out. 

Dog bombs in the backyard  You may have removed your pet for showings, you may have checked to make sure the house doesn’t smell like dog…and that’s great.  Did you check the backyard for bombs?  Because, let’s just say, I’ve had it happen where buyers had no idea you even had a dog, went walking the back yard to check out the side of the house or whatnot, and now they have a stinky shoe.  A really stinky shoe.  I don’t have to tell you that this causes problems if we are supposed to see other houses this afternoon.  I know, I know, buyers should stay on the sidewalk or designated areas…but that’s not what usually happens.  For showings, try to keep after your dog.



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