Had a great show tonight….here are some of the highlights
Started off with some common misconceptions about real estate agents in general. We need transactions, period. The incentive to raise the sales price or lower the sales price is more of a function of working for your buyer or seller…it’s not about some sort of odd perverse incentive for more/less in commission.
Bobcat found in a house? While the homeowners were away..What would you do? I explain what I’d do. Watch the video to see what that is.
WWE in talks to bring legalized gambling on scripted matches? Seems suspicious. Just saying. I’m not taking a position of no…just more baffled than anything else.
We looked at two tweets about car prices..and I made the point that anything financed is in some way related to housing at some point. When we see higher auto loan delinquencies AND higher loan amounts for new cars…seems like that is a problem for the banks.
Finally, we talked about two articles on Realtor.com, 5 ways to negotiate with tough sellers and 5 things to look at when deciding to sell your home. I offered my insight in this market in St. Louis…it might be different where you are.
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Mortgage Rates came in at 7.05 percent on a 30 year fixed today…up 2 basis points
Bobcat…in a house…what does one do?
WWE in talks to allow legalized sports betting….on predetermined matches?
On the Twitter
Nick Gerli
George Gammon
Charlie Bilello
Genevieve Roch-Decter, CFA
Liberty Lyss
Steve Burns
Real Estate News and Commentary
The BEST time to sell your home?
Negotiating with tough sellers?
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