Had a fun afternoon stream today. It was more of a test to see how the multi stream would work and the first time we were able to stream to the Deerwood Realty and Friends website, deerwoodrealtyandfriends.com. That has been a goal since we started streaming, happy to finally get it done. Now that site does need some work but we will get it done.
Got a new graphics card today…a relatively small 1650 card but so much better than what I had before. New computer slated for next year, just trying to make it through.
Mortgage rates went down pretty quickly today with the recent federal reserve increase of 25 basis points, or in line with expectations.
On twitter, we took a look at a tweet about why the economy would be in a recession soon, and then why it seems to look like that isn’t the case.
Our first article was about Goldman Sachs coming out with a view that the housing market bottomed in November 22 and that things should remain relatively stable.
The second article was about how hard it is for Millennials to afford their first home. I didn’t really agree with the article.
Finally, we looked at an article about real estate tech companies having to cut expenses in order to stay afloat. It was an interesting definition of real estate tech. Traditional brokerages were included with what would be more of a pure play tech company in my opinion.
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Mortgage Rates came in at 6.04 percent on a 30 year fixed today.
- This is kind of a test stream to see if it works out on our deerwoodrealtyandfriends website.
- I got an information warning on a stream a few days back, want to go over it.
On the Twitter
Unusual Whales
Jeff Weninger
NAR Research
John Wake
Ryan Lundquist
Real Estate News and Commentary
Housing market has bottomed?
A Millennial homebuyer story
Real Estate Downturn so real estate brokers cut costs?
Drop me a line @ media@deerwoodrealtystl.com
We’re online at https://www.deerwoodrealtystl.com/
About The Author: Canaan De Vera Sugano
More posts by Canaan De Vera Sugano