PSA It’s never OK to Kill your Neighbor’s Dog
Deerwood Realty and Friends
Deerwood Realty and Friends
PSA It’s never OK to Kill your Neighbor’s Dog


Story out of Idaho….heartbreaking, Dog wanders onto neighbors farm property, neighbor shoots the dog. No charges

Thought that was bad, but the dog was on the neighbor’s property…

Then closer to home, in Crestwood, picked up this story…

Dog wanders off on neighbors’ property, neighbor stabs it to death with a knife. He gets charged

So those two things happened on neighbors’’ property…that has some logic

But then I saw this story out of Louisiana….Dog is in it’s own backyard and neighbor jumps the fence and murders it with a machete..neighbor is charged with trespassing and cruelty to animals


1. It’s not ok to kill dogs when they aren’t threatening your life. There needs to be a law against this sort of thing….I’m fine with cruelty to animals as the charge.
2. We aren’t going to blame the victims. But, overall, maybe people don’t like your dog in their yard? Be a responsible pet owner and keep your dog on your property unless the neighbor expressly permits the animal to be there.
3. Also, in the county, we have leash laws. That is, dogs outside of your fenced in yard need to be on a leash. Does it prevent neighbor shootings and stabbings? I don’t know…but the argument that the dog was on the neighbor’s property is eliminated if your dog is on a leash.
4. We often go to showings where the neighbor’s dog is barking the entire time, is aggressive to anyone outside, etc. That’s a reason not to buy a house. That can cause frustration with the sellers who may even be moving because the dog is an issue. Now they are moving, and you are screwing up the potential for a good price on sale. If you do love your dog, you should try to be a good neighbor and keep the disturbances to a minimum with your neighbors. It’s part of living in a neighborhood.
5. When you kill your neighbors’ dog, that’s going to cause issues. Why anyone thinks this is ok, cannot be thinking clearly or may have issues of their own. Regardless, more should be done about this.

My opinion is that we shouldn’t accept dog murder in 2021. If the dog isn’t acting aggressively there is no reason why there should be dog murder.

Podcast call in number = 314-274-3964


Source: https://www.idahostatejournal.com/new…

Source: https://fox2now.com/news/crestwood-ma…

Source: https://www.ktbs.com/news/bossier-cit…

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