Tonight we talked about a few things. We started with a story of a buyer’s agent who went out of her way to help her client only to have it not work out in the end. Disappointing to be sure.
We moved on to a story about how Elon Musk found a leaker at Tesla and openly wondered if he is doing the same thing at Twitter. Odd to watch him find the leaker but not able to find the one that leaked a draft supreme court decision, but oh well I guess right?
We then discussed something that led to some confusion. Why would you put the World Cup in a country with limited freedoms and then complain that the country is restricting freedom? Seems strange and we discuss the things you cannot do in Qatar.
Read some great and thought provoking tweets, then moved to our featured story of the evening. What happens when your landlord dresses up as Michael Myers and then breaks into your rental at 1:00 a.m.? Nothing good, that’s for sure.
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Mortgage Rates aren’t really accurate on the weekends
- Story of a good buyer’s agent and how even if you are a great agent sometimes things don’t go your way
- How Elon Musk found a leaker
From Google Trends: Qatar world cup … Interesting situation
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Kira Mason
Unusual Whales
Adem Tumerken
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