Today’s Show : There’s a tree on my property!
Podcast call in number = 314-274-3964
Board of health looking after poo and trees
1. Banning dogs from fields? How does that work?
2. Trees….one neighbor found an arborist to tell the board that the trees were a moderate risk. Do you believe the paid for experts ever?
3. Why is the board of health supposed to be involved with this?
4. Loss of activity in the yard, can’t use the yard the way they want to, impacts the value of the house, don’t want to live with this threat…..The risk is real, humans are involved, What in the world?
5. The other neighbor says he lives with 10 trees from another neighbor on his property and an expert told him the trees were fine. The trees were a reason he bought the house.
6. Look at what you are buying BEFORE you buy
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