Deerwood Realty and Friends
Tree fort has to go
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/com…
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- Who is in the wrong here?
- If you live in an HOA, do you have a responsibility to snitch on your neighbors?
- Will posting to Reddit solve the problem? Or is this some sort of revenge? The person who reported to the HOA may not ever even know they were discussed online. Do you think the person who did tell the HOA, if someone actually did, cares if you are sad about your tree fort going away?
- Does the pandemic give you a blank check to do whatever you want?
- Enjoy the view of my backyard, I will try to keep it up to code….Code and the HOA are different….that is maybe part of the problem.
- “Small” tree fort…how small is small? How big is too big? What’s the arbitrary measure here?
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