Today’s Show : Using your birthday suit to sell a home ….. #70
#realtor #marketing #realestatetetrends
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Intro: A Los Angeles based real estate agent posted blurred pictures of himself nude at a listing he had on Instagram
1. The thought is that the more eyes you can get on a listing the better chance it has of selling. But, this is the hottest market in more than a decade….why now? What happens when the market turns?
2. I know you are curious, and no, I am not going to be doing any nude photo shoots for any of my listings. There’s this idea of overexposure.
3. This is a gimmick. It’s no different than people wanting to put their pets in listing photos, or anything else. Look at this agent getting his name out there….good or bad, you will remember David Ferrugio. Who is that? Oh, that’s the agent who listed the house.
4. An important note is that these listing pictures are on Instagram and not the MLS. The MLS prohibits this type of thing. They also prohibit for sale sign pictures in yards…
5. On our channel, I think it’s important to show ways in which agents get attention to them or their listings…Since we’ve started, we’ve had the rental in Colorado springs that was a terrible listing, we’ve seen the fellow in New Jersey who had the billboard where he is half dressed…There are thousands of agents and listings….it’s hard to separate yourself from the pack.
6. At the same time, it just seems kind of cheap…but in a strange way. As an example…as an agent, would you want to be known as someone who did a lot of business and did a fine job for their clients, or THAT guy who has a gimmick. If the gimmick works, I guess. And, I’m all for being real with marketing…I think one of the problems plaguing realtors is people who try to be “professional” seemingly miss the mark and become characters of themselves. As an example, an agent using a photo from 20 years ago as their current headshot.
Our word of the day is in dishabille
partly dressed in a loose or careless manner
The best real estate agents will always arrive looking like a professional…never in dishabille.
Source: https://nypost.com/2021/10/15/realtor…
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