I was on Facebook the other day when I noticed a very successful brokerage here in St. Louis with an ad that said, “Now Accepting Listings For Spring 2019”.   It made me laugh, as I’ve written before that you should always be skeptical of real estate commercials.  But it also made a lot of sense for this particular brand, and I wanted to show how it can affect your search for a new home.

The Brand Of The Real Estate Brokerage

This advertisement came from a very specific real estate brokerage brand.  The brand considers itself one of the luxury real estate brokerages in St. Louis.  This is a key distinction in the advertising.  They are trying to demonstrate exclusivity in their advertising.  The thought is along the lines of, “we are so busy working with high value clients, obviously more wealthy than you, we might accept your listing if it is exclusive enough.”  Everyone client in that space wants to believe they are special.

Time Component In Real Estate Advertisement

Did you notice that there is a time component with this advertisement?  The real estate ad says spring 2019.  Why is that?  Well, when do you think most people who believe that they are exclusive and therefore smart list their homes for sale?  It’s the spring!  You want to have your house listed no later than the end of April, if you believe that timing is important when listing your home.  There’s also a second element to the use of time in the real estate advertisement.  If you are a smart real estate marketer, and you know that many people list at a particular time of the year, and that happens to be in the spring, when are you devoting the most energy to capturing St. Louis home listings?  You are spending the money in the spring!  I suspect that you will not see a version of this real estate advertisement in the winter.

Qualifying Sellers With Warm Feelings

If you call this brokerage, a real estate agent calls you back, Congratulations!  You are special!  Now you can feel all warm and fuzzy knowing that you are special.  When the listing agent comes to your house from this brokerage, you will likely list your home with them because they know how special you are.  And, since they know how special you are, that means that they are smart.  Can you see how this works?  It works VERY well.  After all, who in this world doesn’t want to believe that they are special?

Can This Ad Work For New Home Buyers?

If you know this company works with exclusive people, does the logic follow that when exclusive people are looking to sell their home; those same people are looking to buy a new home?  Absolutely!  They are going to want a buyer’s agent that again knows how smart and exclusive their buyers tastes are and therefore, the ad works with people who want to buy a new home as well.  The potential new home buyer, when they call, is going to ask, “Are you accepting new home buyers for the spring of 2019?”  Can you see how powerful of a marketing message this is?

Would This Real Estate Advertisement Work Elsewhere?

This advertisement appeals to people with a certain mindset.  Your thought may be that it wouldn’t work with lower priced homes for sale, but guess what?  You’re wrong.  I know for a fact that this brokerage will list ANYTHING in St. Louis, no matter the price.  By creating a scarcity, they make it most attractive to those who think of themselves as exclusive, rare, etc.  The ad will not work on those who think of themselves as a commodity, their home as a commodity, and their agent as a commodity.  The ad automatically excludes those shopping for discount listings by the very nature of the exclusivity.

How Does Deerwood Realty Brand Itself?

When you work with Deerwood Realty, you have an advantage.  We know what everyone is doing in the marketplace.  We look at each of our clients as individuals first, and then customize a home selling marketing plan, or a home buying plan that is in line with what our clients want after we get to know them.  Whether your home is a complete disaster or the most expensive home in St. Louis, our approach will work for you.